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Constellation Edition

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Life holds nothing back.


Mankind's journey to the stars was birthed out of initial wonder and optimism, the memories of the Second Martian-Terran War giving way to a unifying government dedicated to our supposed prosperity. It was the stuff of dreams, where future generations envisioned themselves under the radiant glow of alien suns.

Our technological progress, fueled by past wars, had now unleashed the groundbreaking faster-than-light Tepiltzin-Csanád Barodrive. Humanity's newfound power opened the colonial floodgates to the vast Silver River Galaxy. Through advancements in biological augmentation, synthetic consciousness, and cybernetic immortality, we ascended to a godlike status as we embraced the stars with all of our might.

Yet, our hubris led to a grim downfall.


Synthetic rebellion shattered our dreams of galactic dominion in the Machine War of the late 22nd century, sending billions to the slaughter and stagnating scientific innovation for decades as a result. The Corporate Wars followed in the 23rd century, coronating titanic megacorporations as the masters of our collective fate. The soul of humanity was damned to want and to war for eternity.

With this fate set in stone for us, we marched on for centuries under this newfound rule, with our species having damned itself to stagnation. Those utopic dreams so long ago faded away—replaced by the specters of struggle and death upon the minds of trillions; their only goal being to survive or plunder what they could from their fellow man.

As the 27th century wanes, insurrection and piracy gnaws at the edges of the all-encompassing Coalition. The War on Terror has turned the military-industrial complex inward, militarizing police and deploying Coalition Forces Authority troops across all worlds.


Megacorporations maintain their imperium over man as they reap hundreds of quadrillions, reducing the lives of trillions to cold data.


An underworld of crime sprawls across human space. The trafficking of all things conceivable fuels industries in the trillions of notes. Gangs and criminal syndicates, some millions strong, carve out their own kingdoms in the endless urban sprawls of worlds such as Earth and Hyperion.

The story of our species is not all misery, however. Diamonds in the rough have risen through the past, writing their stories as they fought, bled, and died; all of this done so that the future can still hold a light in the darkness. Some of these names have achieved legendary status in the underworld, or immortalized in the history books. Others have died without being at all remembered by the present, and yet the consequence of their actions have echoed through to the future.

These are their stories.

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