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Over a century has passed since the construction of the first permanent space colonies.

The disparate blocs, nations and peoples of the planet Plateia ventured forth to explore and inhabit the Solar System, driven by ambition and the promise of a better life. Through the struggle of these wayward pioneers, civilization was irreversibly transformed.

From the L-points to the far moons of Phainon, Mankind’s domain has expanded to the various worlds worlds orbiting their home star.


Where Plateia’s dwindling petrol reserves and rare metals once defined the basis of global finance, the new solar financial system is dictated by water: a resource essential to keeping the myriad of facilities, offworld colonies and terraforming operations tenable.

Vital torchship energy fleets traverse the black void of space, achieving decade-long trips to the outer solar system in the span of months, bringing back deuterium, raw materials and hydrocarbons to serve the needs of Mankind’s exponential civilizational growth.


Yet this progress has not been without cost: the offworld frontiers are often tenuous ones, making conflict inevitable.


Differences in ideology and geopolitical aims have not diminished from this century of innovation — if anything, it has found a space to thrive and expand to new and horrific heights, spurred on by the onward march of technology.


Beyond Plateia, sister-worlds like Vasati are host to terrible battles of a design far more cruel and atrocious than anything conceived before. Hundreds are reduced to ash and shadows in the span of seconds by tactical nuclear weapons, soldiers reduced to walking dead men by the radiological aftermath of horrific energy weapons.


The unresolved grievances of megacorporate greed and the aftermath of the recent Colony War have left the solar system ripe for the emergence of burgeoning revolutionary ideals, as the gulf widens between Plateia’s feuding alliances and the generations of intrepid peoples they had sent to colonize the void.


The spread of Spacer nationalism has been akin to an ideological wildfire across the solar system, enticing those disillusioned and disenfranchised by the tribulations of conflict to aspire towards freedom from the distant bureaucrats of Plateia.

Who will determine the future of Mankind?


Battle in Low Orbit: Coalition MF-01 Titan mobile fencers are deployed to engage Union State forces threatening the Equatorial Space Elevator, 0120 R.C.

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